Olle Lindholm

The Inner Scorecard

Are you ready to live a life that’s true to yourself?

When you try to beat other people, you set yourself up to fail. But going against yourself — trying to improve yourself — now that’s a competition you have control over. It’s one you can win.

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Do you have the courage to live a life true to yourself?

(Don’t you wish to build a life on your own terms, without chasing likes and taking part in a rat race?)

Let’s get real. Most people live life to impress others. They buy cool cars, big homes, and climb up the corporate ladder.

What they don’t realise is that they’re fooling themselves.

They’ll never win this rat race because they’re living life by someone else’s rules. They judge their success by someone else’s standards.

Do I look successful to others? Does it look like I’ve made it?

Those are the wrong questions to ask, because there will always be people who look more “successful”, “happier” and richer than you.

(The irony? You have no idea what they feel when they look in the mirror.)

And social media only makes it worse.

Are you tired of the popularity contests on social media?

Facebook was built for the popular high school kids. The good-looking, successful, I’m-going-to-Harvard types. Now it’s amassed over 2.7 billion monthly active users.

Maybe this sounds familiar: You scroll through your news feed…

There’s one of your classmates with the perfectly toned body. (Seriously, how does she do it?)

Another of your friends is backpacking through South East Asia. The trip looks like so much fun! (Why haven’t I ever gone backpacking?)

Someone else shares a story from their gorgeous wedding…

…and there you are, scooping chocolate fudge ice cream in front of the TV on a Saturday night, feeling like shit.

Stop comparing someone else’s highlights with your low points. – Easy to say, hard to do

(Spoiler alert: Those friends of yours have low points, too. You just don’t see them.)

You know, change is difficult. For all of us.

But some people have figured out how to live life on their own terms. To step away from the news feed, to ignore the likes, the comments, and the trolls. And instead learned to follow their own inner scorecard.

They know a simple, but powerful truth:

The only competition you need to worry about is yourself.

If you get stuck in this meaningless popularity contest on social media, you’ll no doubt feel stressed, worried, frustrated, and even depressed.

By stepping outside that bubble, you’ll start to think for yourself, to reflect on what matters most to you (not what some followers “like”), and you’ll hear this tiny voice inside your head, telling you to step up to the challenge.

But how do you muster the courage to live a life true to yourself when you’re surrounded by everyone else’s “perfect” lives? How can you stop second-guessing yourself all the time and unlock your true potential?

Introducing The Inner Scorecard


A person with an inner scorecard triumphs over themselves.

The Inner Scorecard is a life philosophy that encourages you to tune in to your own values, dreams, and fears. To choose your own metrics of success, happiness, and fulfilment.

It shows you how to silence your inner critic. It gives you tools and techniques to design your best life and to set up healthy rituals and habits that will support your physical health and mental well-being.

With The Inner Scorecard, you’re going to have the courage to live a life true to yourself.

An Australian nurse recorded the top regrets of the dying. Do you know which was the most common regret of them all?

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

The Inner Scorecard is your steady companion in a sea of noise. Here’s why:

#1. The Inner Scorecard is a life philosophy based on your core values, which means you’ll judge your life by your own yardstick, not someone else’s. It builds your character and places your life around a higher purpose.

#2. The Inner Scorecard has been around for a long time, which means this isn’t some new magic pill. It’s been featured across many cultures and has stood the test of time.

#3. The Inner Scorecard highlights your top priorities, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. In other words, it teaches you to compete against yourself. Now that’s a competition you have control over. It’s one you can win.

It encouraged lots of self-reflection, and provided me with several skills to add to my mental toolkit.

I really liked that The Inner Scorecard wasn’t just theoretical. It offered so many practical psychological “tips and tricks” such as “not now!”, the pomodoro technique, running a premortem, and other useful tools for success and happiness.

I felt that the author genuinely practices and believes in the principles outlined in his book, which makes me much more motivated and excited to try them for myself. Much, if not all, of the advice given is based on science and psychological studies. The book summarizes and builds on important knowledge and techniques from other self-improvement books, making you feel like you’ve read 10 books in 1.

I’d absolutely recommend this book to a friend. It was easy to read yet filled with so much wisdom. —Carolyn

So, what’s inside The Inner Scorecard? And how can it help you thrive?


The Inner Scorecard covers strategies to help you think better, while also teaching you hands-on skills that you can use to improve your life.

Here’s just a tiny preview of what’s in The Inner Scorecard.

How the brain goes through internal chatter: Do you often face your worst enemy, that inner critic, spitting out negative thoughts? She can be a nasty piece of work, but fortunately smarter self-talk helps you silence that voice, so you you’re able to realise your full potential.

Why some people unlock their potential (and others don’t): What’s a fixed mindset and a growth mindset? Why are these such crucial skills for lifelong learning and fulfillment? (Hint: One mindset helps you to reframe the way you think about failure, so you can become more resilient and bounce back from the inevitable setbacks that life throws at you.)

How to become more optimistic: What is the real difference between optimists and pessimists? And why do we need to embrace a bit of both in our lives? Is it possible to learn optimism, even if it doesn’t come naturally to you?

How to design your best life: What is life design and how can it help you lead a more fun and meaningful life? What are the key components and how do you apply them to your own situation?

Why pursuing less is the key to becoming more: do you take on too much and feel scattered and out of control? Are you unsure whether you’re getting the right things done? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, the essentialist “less but better” approach is going to help you prioritise, so you can get your sanity back.

The art of the start: You want to get fit, but you never use your gym membership. You want to meditate, but you never seem to find the time. You want to write a book, but you never sit down to write. Why is getting started so damn hard, and what can you do to overcome the initial resistance?

The power of rituals: You know habits are important, but how can you build healthier habits that last? How do you create positive change in your life, whether it’s creating a new pre-sleep routine or mastering a new fitness regime?

How to stay focused in a noisy world: In the 21st century, your attention is your most valuable asset. You fight against distractions all day long. How can you find the stillness that you seek to do your best thinking and producing your best work?

The road to character: What is the difference between a personality and a character ethic? Why does character matter more? And how do you keep your ego in check in a Big Me era where everyone else chases likes?

Be your own life coach: Nobody has ever taught you how to make important decisions: Who do you marry? What career path will you pursue? What kind of person do you want to become? Many people close their eyes and listen to their gut, while others calculate lengthy pros and cons lists. That’s not the way to do it. Smart people follow a systematic approach to decision-making.

I used to be a person who didn’t like reading, but Olle was the person who turned that around for me. His words are not just inspirational, they are real and I loved reading this book. I recommend it to anyone who wants to get to know themselves a little better and also want to have fun while doing it.

—Louise Ulveland

Why you should buy The Inner Scorecard

Reason 1: Learn to triumph over yourself.

Reason 2: It gives you the tools and confidence to overcome your own self-imposed limitations, so you can unlock your true potential.

Reason 3: Feel more proud and fulfilled with yourself.

Plus, you’ll also get this free bonus…

Bonus: Compete Against Yourself Workbook

Do you ever read a book and wonder what to do with all the material?

It happens to me all the time. That’s why I created the free Compete Against Yourself Workbook for you.



You won’t be alone when reading The Inner Scorecard. You’ll get the Compete Against Yourself Workbook as a bonus.

This workbook includes short summaries of main concepts (we’re talking a sentence or two!) and helpful worksheets, which will help you get the most of the book.

CAY workbook values

One big part of the book is to choose the core values you wish to live by. These core values help guide your efforts and life choices, and they’re a central theme to the whole book.

The exercises you’ll find in this workbook are activities that I’ve gathered over the years and I turn to them for my own personal growth. When you look through this bonus workbook, you’ll see how helpful they are.

The workbook contains useful frameworks to help you beat overwhelm and move forward with your most important projects and life aspirations, whatever they may be.

What’s unique about this book?

The Inner Scorecard isn’t just an idea or a concept. It’s a way of life. And it gives you clear tools to apply this approach to your own situation. Besides, it’s an inner scorecard, remember? You’re competing against yourself here!

I’ve used the ideas contained in this book to help me overcome my own insecurities and fears. Everything I’ve written about in the book is something I use myself, so rest assured, it’s not some magic pill or secret mumbo-jumbo like so many other self-help books. (In fact, if you’re looking for a quick fix, then this book is NOT for you.)

The Inner Scorecard is available in the following formats:


Option 1: The Ebook Version

This gives you The Inner Scorecard in ePub, Kindle or PDF format. It means you can read it on your device as well as your computer. The free workbook is included in your purchase. You can buy it from this link on Gumroad.

Price: $9.99

Option 2: The Print/Limited Edition

There's a print version that will be available as a physical book. I also have a limited edited version of the book here in Sweden. Unlike print on demand books, this is professionally printed and you can get yourself a wonderful signed version of this book by contacting me.

Note: It's limited. Once we've finished the stock, there will only be the print-on-demand version available.

Price: $16.99 + shipping

Option 3: The Audio Book

For those of us who love to listen to audio (that's me for sure) this is the audio version. It is narrated by me, the author. Download it to your computer, put it on your Android or iPhone and go for a walk around the block. You can buy it on Gumroad.

Price: $14.99

Frequently asked questions

What happens when I click that buy button above?
You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page, hosted by Gumroad. There you will be able to safely fill in your payment details (they accept all major credit cards and PayPal).

When will I get the ebook/audiobook/limited print edition?
If you bought the ebook, you’ll get all your files sent to your email address. You can start reading straight away!

The same goes for the audiobook: you’ll get access to all the content instantly after payment, so you can start listening right away.

If you buy the limited print edition, I will notify you when I’ve sent your signed copy of the book to your address. Delivery times will vary depending on where you live: it will take an estimated 3-5 business days within Europe and 7 business days or more for shipment overseas. But it will be worth the wait, promise !

Olle Lindholm

PS. If you have any questions that haven’t been answered here, please email me directly and let me know how I can help. I’d be interested in getting your feedback.