
  • Is talent a blessing or a curse?

    Imagine two ten-year-olds playing for an all star football team. One player got picked because of his talent. Coaches praised him for his speed, and they saw huge potential in him. The other player loved the game and worked harder than everyone else. The coaches admired his efforts. Can you guess who plays for a…

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  • Discover the hidden power of beliefs

    To make any meaningful change, you need to start believing new things about yourself. This pattern became obvious to me as I looked back on my own growth from previous years. In 2014, I never saw myself as a “business person”… until that one summer when I started my online business. In 2015, I never saw…

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  • Get a better life with your own meditation practice

    If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time (you are, aren’t you?) you’d know that meditation has been a recurring theme for me this year. I first discovered meditation when I was in Australia. But it wasn’t until I was going mad from my master’s thesis that I returned to the practice. Now,…

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  • What is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist?

    Optimists and pessimists, we’ve all met both. An optimist is naive, overly enthusiastic, and has the head in the clouds. A pessimist is a true cynic, grumpy as hell, and expects the worst about everyone and everything. But there is more to optimism and pessimism than meets the eye. Seligman’s classic Learned Optimism reveals the differences between optimists…

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  • Self-talk for smart people

    You can be very mean to yourself, right? Your mind loves to talk. And it never stops. That mental chatter can definitely stand in your way. And when you pay attention to it, you say some mean things that you would never say to a friend or a loved one. Here are a few tips…

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  • You’re good enough, my friend

    It’s true. You have what it takes to succeed. But deep down you hear this voice saying: “I’m not good enough”. You have to silence that voice, because nine times out of ten, it’s simply wrong. See the voice for what it really is: an excuse to do nothing. Listen to the words and hear…

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