Olle Lindholm

  • How to develop a learning lifestyle

    In today’s world, change is the only constant. Major disruption lies ahead in virtually every industry. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. The average career consists of 80,000 hours. That gives you plenty of time to work on some of the most urgent global issues facing our generation. (You might be surprised, as…

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  • Discover the hidden power of beliefs

    To make any meaningful change, you need to start believing new things about yourself. This pattern became obvious to me as I looked back on my own growth from previous years. In 2014, I never saw myself as a “business person”… until that one summer when I started my online business. In 2015, I never saw…

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  • Get a better life with your own meditation practice

    If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time (you are, aren’t you?) you’d know that meditation has been a recurring theme for me this year. I first discovered meditation when I was in Australia. But it wasn’t until I was going mad from my master’s thesis that I returned to the practice. Now,…

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  • What is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist?

    Optimists and pessimists, we’ve all met both. An optimist is naive, overly enthusiastic, and has the head in the clouds. A pessimist is a true cynic, grumpy as hell, and expects the worst about everyone and everything. But there is more to optimism and pessimism than meets the eye. Seligman’s classic Learned Optimism reveals the differences between optimists…

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  • 13 timeless lessons from Walt Disney

    In 1954, Walt Disney appeared on the front page of Time magazine. The title read: “Walt Disney – To enchanted worlds on electronic wings.” The “electronic wings” were driven by characters on a piece of paper. It was nothing fancy. But the ingredients behind his success still apply today.

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